Yoscuta Reservoir in Oaxaca
Very popular with visitors the Yoscuta Reservoir is located in the beautiful Mixteca region of Oaxaca.
Basic accommodation is available together with a camping area for those that enjoy the outdoor experience.
Boats excursions, organised by the local co operative, transport visitors for a close up view of the dam, together with the two islands Isla Grande and La Islita. Those craving a little excitement can take a boat trip to visit the area inhabited by crocodiles.
In September and October the Yoscuta Reservoir is the venue for fishing tournaments, the main catch being Black Lobina, Tilapia, and Israeli carp. During the third week of July a major fishing tournament for Black Bass takes place, the Torneo Abierto Nacional de Pesca Deportiva de Lobina Negra Huajuapan (Black Bass Open National Fishing Tournament). San Francisco Yoscuta, is located 115 miles north west of Oaxaca city.
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