Keeping in touch whilst in Oaxaca
Internet Cafés
There are numerous internet cafés in Oaxaca helping you to keep in touch with back home. There really isn’t any part of Oaxaca that you can go to where you can’t get some kind of internet connection (within reason). The next page shows the location of some of Oaxaca’s internet cafés.
Find out more about Internet Cafés
Public Telephones
Oaxaca has many public telephones in the street which accept pre-paid phone cards which you can buy in most shops. There are however many ‘cassetas teléfonicas’ (These are kind of like home telephones that the people rent for calls) where it is possible to make cheaper long distance calls. These often double up as internet cafés
Find out more about Public Telephones
Help with the Spanish Language
While oaxaca is generally very accommodating to non-Spanish speakers it is always nice to understand a bit more of what is going around you, and being able to look at the menu and at least be able to recognise what is the general content of the dish which you are about to order is always nice.On the next page we have compiled some useful resources to help you muddle your way around in the case that you don’t have the time or inclination to take Spanish classes.
Find out more about help with the Spanish language