Getting around Oaxaca
Here you can find information about the various bus services that Oaxaca has. There is information here about both the first and second class bus services and bus terminal as well as information about local bus routes. Please note that bus stops are only occasionally marked and the local buses also tend to pick up passengers wherever they happen to flag them down.
Find out more about Oaxaca’s bus services
Car Rental
A great way to get around Oaxaca is by renting a car, it’s quicker and more flexible and you can see places that would be near on impossible to get to without your own transport. Motorcycle rental is also available in Oaxaca, as well as scooter hire particularly on the Oaxacan coast. It is also possible to rent a boat on the coast should you feel like pushing the boat out.
Find out more about car rental
Colectivo Taxis (Shared Taxis)
Colectivo taxis are shared taxis that have set routes that run from Oaxaca to the nearby local villages. Colectivos are faster than the bus and only slightly more expensive (a typical fare is around 15 pesos), you can take colectivo taxis at certain ‘stops’, these aren’t officially marked and it is normally possible to flag one down pretty much anywhere.
Find out more about colectivo taxis
Suburbans (Minibuses)
Suburbans are minibuses that are similar in many respects to colectivo taxis except they make longer journeys. Surburbans are a good option for getting to the coast from Oaxaca City because they are faster and cheaper than the bus; this route does have a tendency to make you a little travel sick however as the roads have a lot of curves. You can also take surburbans to various other Cities of Oaxaca that are further afield than the Valles Centrales.
Find out more about suburbans
Oaxaca has a small international airport that caters for several domestic flights and some flights from the United States. From here it is also possible to get flights to the Oaxacan coast in light aircraft or small passenger planes. The airports of Huatulco and Puerto Escondido are relatively small, though Huatulco airport does receive some small international flights from the US.
Find out more about Airlines that serve Oaxaca’s airports
Taxis are readily available in Oaxaca City and it is easy to flag one down, and there are also several taxi ranks which you can call or drop in upon. Taxis to the airport are also available at special rates and there are a few companies that specialise in taking people to the airport. Details of some of these can be found on the next page.
Find out more about taxis
Petrol Stations
In Mexico there is only one petrol company ‘PEMEX’ and the price is the same wherever you go. It is generally quite easy to find somewhere to get fuel, though if you intend to do a long trip over the mountains to the beach for example, make sure you fuel up whilst you are still in the valley. The next page shows a map of many of the petrol stations in Oaxaca.
Find out more about Oaxaca’s petrol stations